Hello and welcome back! Yep, another blog from your music obsessed girl. I have really begun the grind of running my freelancing services which has been an absolute dream for me, for a very long time. Ever since I was young, always thought that I wanted to run my own business. People from all walks of life - family, friends, associates, and people who I just meet the first time have always said to me that they 'see me as a person who would run their own company'. Knew this was true but it's about putting dreams into practice, had no idea when was the right time but... the time is NOW!
Through my observations of working within different environments, I've noticed I tend to stick out. Could be seen negatively or positively depending on which environment I'm in or the saying 'A Diamond in the Dirt'. Definitely in a corporate environment I really do stick out (always seen as the 'quirky' one - I'm not even that quirky!), never works out for me. One thing I don't like in corporate environments that it's too restrictive, non-creative, dishonest, lack of colour and soul destroying - those are my experiences no-one else. To be honest most people that work in these environments feel the same way, some just haven't taken chances like I have.
Throughout my career, I've always strived for some sort of linear direction in the music industry, tried and worked in different avenues (which represent the zig-zags in my career) to be the innovator I aim to be. In my journey, I have endured emotions and experiences of frustration, positive buzz, failure, bitterness, betrayal, fun times, networking (so fun), fake and real personalities and beneficial associates (gotta be real). Fell into various roles (work experience, A&R, song-plugging, assistant for arts organisation, and licensing) throughout transition trying to find and explore the ideal role in this declining industry which I have a passion for.
One thing that was important to me was remain the same person I was when I first stepped my foot in. You come across so many people who sell their souls, fake a-holes, very genuine people and total nasty people. It's always been important to remain humble that is so vital in this game. I'm aware you need to be tough and I'm still going through that transition to become the assertive woman that I need to be which is not so easy. 
I've learnt that you can't let people take advantage of you, in order to survive people will step on your toes to get that piece of cake. Maybe I haven't fought or tried enough but my intuition has always maintained that theres no way I'm changing my mentality or self-worth for anybody and a lot of people sacrifice that just to get a job. I mean a job is a job right?
Things do happen for reason, I've had so many job interviews particularly for music supervision/co-ordination that was perfect for me. Everyone around me knew I was capable for those roles, so close always in the last round but never got it. Why? We all know why innit? Lets just say there are still some barriers. However, I believed in myself that prosperity will come my way but, had to seek and create it myself.
This is the reason why I created my Aries Music. Now the name obviously from my fascination of astrology and I'm a complete dreamer, optimist, driven, and passionate about what I do. The Aries sign encompasses who and what I am - a creative enthusiast. Music - the word speaks for itself my first passion, ever since I was a little girl I knew I was destined to work in music no matter what. It's embedded in my DNA!!
I look back and I'm pretty glad I stuck to my guns, no matter what struggle I've endured whatever industry you work in you have to work hard regardless. My parents are typical Ghanaians at times that they rather I pursued a career in law, sciences, economics - boring stuff (sorry to offend) but those subjects are no interest and doesn't mean you're less intelligent just because I'm not in that profession, hate that mentality.
My intellect comes from music and strategy, so all those ignorant folks who thought what I was doing was pants, stick a remote up your arse. Sorry but I don't fancy sitting in a glass ceiling office with stiff folks.The whole point of my consultancy is to work with art organisations inner London to create new initiatives and I mean new initatives that haven't been done before and for real I have finally found my niche. I'll reveal no more, as you will see from my actions and results. For now I'm working in small steps.Watch this space people, I will not be defied... my time is now. As Obama said, 'Yes I Can!' I'm really looking forward to this new journey and I have every confidence in God will protect me and enable success come my way.
Till next time, blog ya later.
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