Hmmm... I've heard plenty hype about the author Robert Greene's previous books 49th, 48th etc... and I must admit I was very cynical about this. Assuming that his theories were kind of brainwashing but really - it's not about that. It's simply demanding power in whatever you do. Since I've seen a few twitters and mentions of the is book relating to 50p (yes 50p thats what I call him) I decided to make a nice decent purchase on Amazon, £7.50 bredren!

The most powerful things I have picked upfrom this book is it actually doesn't matter what background, colour or gender you are there's really no reason why you can't get to your goals. The only way you can reach your goals is through your ambition. I will admit, 50p is not exactly on my playlist at the mo well a couple of songs but, this man has been through hell and back. Thats what I respect about him, nothing has stopped him! There are times when he feels low, but I gather what pushes him is that you can't settle for less AND lets not forget the man got shot 9 TIMES!

Have a read, don't be SCURRED :)
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