Back to the laptop again for some fancy review while out in town with my other half. He took me to the Battersea Arts Centre last night to see this production called 'The Masque of the Red Death' in the style of a promonade. Funny he didn't mention to me when he gave me the tickets as part of my Xmas pressie that we would be walking around throughout the whole promenade! I was gobsmacked, I asked ' for long we're going to be walking around?' He replied '3 hours'. Thank God I didn't wear my heels as I was contemplating that option in the morning. I would of had corns by now, lol.
As soon as we step in, we are given some crazy 'scary movie' masks,
and we had to wear them throughout the whole play. I was already
thinking this something I'm not going to enjoy. Step in to some dark corridors, to be honest I was a complete chicken, I wouldn't let go of my boyfriend's hand. He thought it was so funny they way I jerked and jumped everytime an unfortunate incident was to come.
From what I understand of the story it was a short horror written by Edgar Allen Poe, this show definitely made want to get the book. I would say the event itself was very sexy yet tragic. Definitely focuses on the themes of life and of course death. The actors move very gracefully from room to room inviting us to follow them in whatever scene the audience engage in.
One of the scenes where we were in a wine refinery I actually get scared out of my wits. Basically he had a black cat made from a black cloth and used olives as eyes. Now, I don't like olives at all so he wanted me to 'taste the cats eyes'. Not about eating cats eyes, this ain't the 13th century! I hesitantly just pushed the head of the cat and the man completely made me jump out of my skin. The whole experience sets your pulse racing, you can't afford to miss a scene yet at the same time trying to keep up with the character who invites you along in a ghostly manner.
After the whole scaryness is over, we are all lead into a ballroom with all the characters dancing from the burlesque, contemporary to ballroom style. Very entertaining as they drag you onto the dancefloor too. I must admit I really liked the way the actors moved, wasn't overdone, or underdone was so graceful.
If you're into getting scared come to this one, you'll for sure get your pulse racing. Please do not wears any heels, they will literally kill you! Check out the website it's running until April so you better be quick on this one; Plus, if you fancy working on those legs while watching an authentic production this is the one for you. Imagine you're keeping fit while watching a show, not about sitting on your lazy arse all the time. But maaaayne I was bloody exhausted! All the frights of my life took all the energy out me!
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
The Masque of the Red Death
Posted by Miss Akua Afram at 15:13 0 comments
Sunday, 27 January 2008
I think you will agree with me on this one. Don't you find it annoying when you're in a bar or club and some dumb idiot tried to dance your way, and they're not even dancing properly. To be precise, they don't dance to the actual beat. To be honest, I don't find it funny anymore, it's beyond ridiculousness! To those who can't dance, just listen out for the beat, it really isn't hard.
I remember watching a Nelly Furtado interview when she released her 'Loose' album. She couldn't bussa' move at all, it actually took a producer to teach her how to move. Can you believe it? Timbaland was put off by her off-key moves while she was recording in the vocal booth, it ruined his concentration, how funny is that? Ahh poor thing, well she's getting there.
Y'see if Nelly Furtado can do it, anyone can. No wonder why she's moving sooooo hard in her videos now, she telling the world, "I'm a bad-ass dancer, couldn't do it before but look at me now." But honey, the blonde hair has gotta be rinsed out, I'm not feeling it at all. Her black mane, makes her look more stunning plus the blonde doesn't look natural on her at all. Back to Black, and that applies to Amy Wino as well, she looks f******* hideous! She's another talent who is a vocal legend but is a hopeless mover. Seen Amy perform at Shepherd's Bush, and she was drunk again the usual, and she could dance to her stuff at all. She was swaying out of beat.
Mariah Carey.... another very talented lady but once again the woman can't move. Thats why she's always prancing around in her videos. At least learn a little routine, y'nuh a little 2-step. I really wonder why people who are very talented to singing to the rhythm, but can't move to the rhythm. I find it so weird.
But for real, back to the subject of being in the club on the dancefloor, it's absolutely hideous that you see certain individuals winding their groin area or try to shake something when they obviously don't know how to do it. What I advise people should do is really, practice in front of a full view mirror at home. I use to that... when I was MUCH younger. Even at one point I couldn't do the snake but bwoy I'm totally a pro at it! Think of how dancers get so good, every minute their moving their joints, to a certain degree it can get annoying. STOP BLOODY SHOWING OFF!! We know you can dance already, I can too. I just can just about 'body-pop', lol.
Seriously, to all those who can't move, erm... maybe you should purchase a salsa video or in fact, go to dance classes. Or just practice in front of your mirror so much more cheaper!
Posted by Miss Akua Afram at 14:13 0 comments
Wow!! I am totally impressed with this new hairdo Rhianna is sporting. She's definitely not afraid to think out of the box with her sexy edgy image. I am soooo loving it. Makes her look very mature, then again a lot of 19 year olds look very mature for their age these days. Must be the chicken they're eating or something, lol.
Had a feeling this girl would break out of the typical pretty sweet long-haired girl look. I understand that long hair is the ultimate crown, believe me I know what it feels like to see all that hair chopped off in the hairsalon's floor. But when you see your face, in that fantastic short hair beauty really shines through when your features are exposed. Who knows, Rhianna may go bald and do a Grace Jones, lol. Girl keep working it with your stunning self! I can see this style being a favourite for top crops this Summer. Rhianna a trendsetter... once again.
Posted by Miss Akua Afram at 13:48 0 comments
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
KIDS - Get literate
My oh my.... Another innocent girl has been stabbed, (30 times!) this time not in London. All the way in Chorley, Lancashire. WTF!!!!??? A knife or a gun is certainly not the key to success unfortunately it's a status thing for these kids, running round like uncivilised barbarians.
Why oh why is every kid in Britain getting stabbed for no reason? The youth these days a very bored with their spare time, they obviously have nothing to do. Last week 2 guys got stabbed in London over some stupid rivalry. Can't they just look above the water and think for minute, 'why the hell am I carrying a knife?' Fair enough some individuals claim they need to protect themselves especially if they live in very rough areas. However, it still encourages more people to carry weapons 'to protect' themselves in any form of attack. My backfoot, thats paranoia. Don't be wondering the streets of Hackney, Willesden, Brixton or don't even let me go there yes, Kensington Gardens at flipping 1am! Take a flipping licensed cab or stay at your mate's yard.
Another thing I have noticed is that these kids are greatly illiterate. I even speak standard English to some of them, and they have no idea on what I'm on about, how annoying. Kids please read some books or take some proper English classes because, you will certainly not get a job 'Tawkin like dat blud' lol. Oh god, I was on the bus last night travelling to Enfield my, my... A young girl on the bus was speaking very loud the whole bus can hear her in her slang speech, and she was chatting utter RRRRUBBISH. There was no sense to the conversation, a total Vicky Pollard. Just shut up already, she sounded like she loved the sound of her voice but it was sooooo.... UGH!
You know what the key solution is? Songwriting, at least they can get a bit confident and have the drive to learn more words in their vocabulary, and you never know they will sound like the most refined kids straight from the hood. Or, lets deport the kids to the jungle, in the most worse conditions, and lets see who they can terrorise there. They would not last!
What do you think should be a key solution to enabling kids to see more to life than crime. Please not the usual suggestions education, government, family stability none of that. I wanna hear something outrageous.
Posted by Miss Akua Afram at 08:08 0 comments
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
FRANCESCA BELMONTE....Britain's next finest star!
This girl.... Wow, what can I say? She is something very special. As well as newcomer Adele, Amy Crackhouse, Francesca is one girl that has vocals of a truuuuue soul diva. Her vocals style closely margins on Blues and Soul but with a British authenticity. She's not at all imitating our American counterparts, not even in the slightest she's more original. A close mate of mine who use to work at her management company Anglo Management told me about her sometime last year or in fact I think the year before. I know for a fact she will blow as well, and she's only 18!!! Her voice is 20 times mature her age!
If you wanna check got tap into her page:
Listen to the first track 'Black Secret' very, very skilled with her vocals. Drop a comment on what you think?
Posted by Miss Akua Afram at 16:53 1 comments
I just don't get it. Seriously, what is up with people picking their nose in public?? I don't think I'm being observant but to be honest I don't to be pressing that bell where I know where that person's hands have been. Hate to bring sexism to it but men are the worse. Yes thats right varies from scratching their groin area, backside then they have the nerve to touch the pole you want to place your hands to gain your balance. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! I'm so OCD at the moment I had to purchase hygienic hand-gel that minute I got off the bus, just stormed off to Boots. Shame on you Michael Keaton (use to play Batman).
However, ladies I must admit. Some of you are a disgrace. Yes, I spot you, the ones who don't wash their hands as soon as you come out of the cubicle, yeah you... You don't go anywhere near the sink... such a shame. Thats why the sink is there, USE IT! You should see the killer looks I give you... You would feel very small, like the small germ you've passed onto the door handle. Though it is really a shame that some women feel no embarrassment at all. Yeah, bet you don't wash your hands don't you?? Yeah, I've seen you. Beware (to those that wash their hands PROPERLY) always get tissue and apply it on the door handle, then chuck it away when your hands are free from non-automatic doors.
Words of advice; Chicks, it's not alright to be unclean, men find that disgusting trust me. There's nothing attractive about an unclean girl. Even fingernails with the polish coming off, guys notice these little things, very....... minging. From the minute a guy friend pointed it out to me (during Uni of course, and he wasn't gay) I thought this is not happening again. Not a good look at all. Should of seen the look of shame on my face, hilarious!
Aghhhh... I just don't get it. You would expect it from kids, but not full grown competent adults.
Posted by Miss Akua Afram at 16:08 0 comments
Monday, 21 January 2008
Ello my peoples, feeling all refreshed from the weekend despite the nasty Grey weather?? However, that didn't stop me from partying the night away! Went to the birthday party of, up and coming UK comedian Kojo. Well he's been around for a long time actual but his profile is forever more developing in the world of comedy. Every Sunday in Corks (just off Oxford St.) he gives the crowd a funny dosage of his jokes as well as guest appearances which vary from Dave Chapell, yep! Gina Yashere, and many more comedy heavyweights.
Everybody was up for a laught last night, the DJ's were absolutely on point, despite the long House set, I do easily get bored of House. The Garage set was on fire! I'm a true Garage enthusiast. Hts like 'POW', 'HYPE, HYPE', '21 Seconds', Wiley's 'Wha' do you call it?'. Good god I was raving it haaard, as someone actually mentioned.The night was filled from appearances from Reggie Yates (Celeb presenter), Keisha Buchanan (Sugababes), Kele Le Roc, MC Harvey (without the missus, lol) and Sabrina Washington (lead vocals for previous chart-topping Misteeq) the world is too small. The night had a 'bangin' vibe, nice club with no air of attitude.
Of course there were some interesting costumes, some came as... a caretaker, cheerleader, head-master, P.E teacher, Lollipop man and so on. People got very creative, yet absolutely fun and hilarious. I came in as a sassy student in a beige pinafore dress, and pigtails from one of the best online stores, 'ASOS'. Yes I must say, felt I stood out, most people looked the same could easily mistake a mate for somebody else!
Posted by Miss Akua Afram at 12:40 1 comments
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Happy new years my fellow citizens! I know were well into January already but this is my first public dose on blogger for you guys. All about the music, events, lifestyle, music... oh yes, did I mention music?
Ahhhhhh man!!! I'm sooooo p******. Just wrote a good blog and accidently pressed the wrong button. Just threw a little tantrum lol, ok much better now. Isn't that annoying when that happens? Now I have to put my point across differently because it won't be the same. I'm gonna cut it short, can't be asked to go in further detail again.
Another dose of my interesting blogs, but this time on this Blogger rather than Myspace. Isn't that the whole point of blogging so don't complain, lol. Anyway, straight to the point. Some people don't know how to do their job, and it really makes me think 'you have no idea on what you're on about'. Why are people so scared of opening up to other types of music. I'm not talking about indie, alternative, pop, soul or R&B (which has completely lost it's originality). I'm talking about listening to so-called 'world' music, as soon as its mentioned cynics get all scared and negative. I hate it when people say they listen to everything. What the hell is everything, when they clearly don't listen to everything?
Even this 'electro' and new rave trend everyone is jumping on it now, it was around yeaaaaars ago. Like Air, and Daft Punk I pretty
much prefer their stuff rather than the sheep followers now, not really different as they make themselves out to be. I also believe some people can be ridiculously ignorant, and sound silly without realising. As soon as you mention something thats not on the bandwagon, industry insiders seem to get all scared or not interested.
There's a reason why artists like Manu Chao, Amadou & Mariam, Zap Mama, The Roots, and Dizzie Rascal are well respected and still do well commercially. They're not afraid to explore beyond their horizons because, they're so talented and cleverly play around with other genres and make it a signature platform for themselves. Take for instance Afro-beat, Hi-Life, Indian, Samba, Folk, Reggae, Punk Rock and Arabic music are heavily influence in today's pop. I swear Razorlight have a Hi-Life guitar riff at the very beginning of 'America'. For those who don't know what Hi-Life is, it's a popular form of Ghanaian music.
There is such thing as good pop, doesn't mean artists are selling out, it's their job to make money from their craft. So people please don't hate that Dizzie or Kano, they have bills to pay just like you and me, are you contributing to their bills? I don't think so. However, some individuals take it too far, I won't mention names but they have lost what they were good at, plus they have the power to explore other avenues now. They're just plain boring lacking any substance, and just totally lost it. What is up with the shades, I don't see no sun! Give you a clue, 'BO SELEEC-TA!' I particularly like Justin Timberlake's repertoire he is good pop. He might do some folk stuff, and grow his hair into dreadlocks, you just never know.
Meanwhile, I'm religiously listening to this siiiiiiiick artist called Joy Denalane from Germany. There hasn't really been good talent that has come from Germany appealling to the ears of many however, Joy's review have been quite negative which I'm suprised about. Some critics compare her to Amy Wino... and think she's boring. Boring??? HELLO!! This is a grown woman who has been around for yeeeeeears. Her voice evokes truth, pain and the way she hurls her notes, it's a different level. Come to the UK Joy!! She is a true star to me.
Go on explore...check her page, and have a listen.
Peace out!
Ms A.x
![]() | Currently listening : Born & Raised By Joy Denalane Release date: By 18 December, 2006 |
Posted by Miss Akua Afram at 08:15 0 comments